News WAGC 2020

A New Year Go lesson and a charity event were held at an orphanage in Primorsky Krai

The New Year spirit is all around us and we have plenty to share. A New Year Go lesson and a charity event were held at an orphanage in Primorsky Krai. The company employees bought gifts for the children and wished them happy holidays. This year the children from orphanage №2 took part in a Go activity. They received Go sets, and also Go books and booklets to help them hone their game skills.

The charity event and the Go lesson were prepared by members of the regional Go Federation and people from the gold mining company “Polymetal”, which has been supporting and promoting Go in Russia for years.

Here’s some New Year cheer from Primorsky Krai and the orphanage kids!
2019-12-30 13:21